With her dynamic personality and purple mohawk, Dr. Amelia lives the mantra: Be Yourself.
Dr. Amelia is a communication consultant focused on professional development and leadership training. She is passionate about empowering women.
That’s why she wrote the book “Hello Ms. Perfect: Navigating the Path of Perfection and Claiming Your Identity” which will launch this fall. She came in to my studio for a powerful headshot for her book.
Dr. Amelia also owns The Women Collective, a retail experience and platform for women to showcase their product-based businesses. The Women Collective is in White Bear Lake.
In her free time, you can find her lounging in the pool, sipping an Americano, or watching her son play hockey. She also enjoys concerts. Her family recently went to see Noah Kahan and she “dragged” her husband to New Kids on the Block (and had a blast).
Dr. Amelia embraces authenticity in herself and others. When I explained that I retouch photos, she asked me to not remove the scar on her head where she had melanoma. She’s keeping it real.
Her passion for elevating communication, inspiring change, and embracing authenticity is making an impact — one woman at a time.