Minnetonka Mills Park Senior Session | Greta

You know the new Barbie movie? If Barbie was a gymnast who wore Converse instead of high heels and had mosquitoes bites all over her legs, Greta could have gotten the lead role.

Greta is a gymnast for her high school and they are the 2022 state team champions. Her favorite events are vault and balance beam.

But this summer Greta will be at the pool more than the gym. She is a lifeguard and coaches a youth diving team.

She also works at a local grocery store. She radiates positive energy and kindness, and I bet customers notice.

Greta likes to listen to all music but “not country”. She loves Bruno Mars, Cheez Its, Chinese food, and Urban Outfitters which supplied her dresses for this senior session.

In the fall, Greta will attend the University of Nebraska to study kinesiology.
Agility, balance, and strength are key in gymnastics and in life. Greta is prepared to soar!