Orono Senior Session | Brady

Brady is one of those rare species: a 3-sport athlete.

Brady competes in baseball, football, and wrestling. His favorite sport? “The one that’s in season,” he says.

Right now, that’s baseball. Brady plays first and third base. Baseball will be coming to an end soon and he will have a couple of weeks off before football practice starts.

This fall, he will play defensive end and tight end for the varsity football team. Their first opponent beat them in the section finals last year, so the Spartans are eager for revenge. According to Brady, nothing compares to the excitement of Friday night lights.

Sports isn’t the only thing Brady juggles. He really does know how to juggle and he brought along baseballs to prove it. He learned to juggle from his dad.

He also likes to read (Harry Potter is a favorite), listen to country music, and go on late night drives with friends.

Brady participates in Unified club where he plays sports and builds friendships with students of all abilities. Unified is about inclusion and that matters to Brady.

With his motivation, discipline, and focus, Brady is headed for victory on and off the field. As the legendary coach Vince Lombardi said, the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.